Ken from Outside The Berm, read my recent El Toro/Lake Forest post and shared this 1960 slide of the El Toro Country Store.
The Tustin Area Historical Society will host Old Town Tustin's 2009 Promenade Home & Garden Tour on Sat., May 2, 9am-4pm. Visit their website for more information.
hlače in majica zara, jopa h&m - sprobavam fotošop programček :) danes sem si (ne)uspešno malo podaljšala lase :DD
+ Eno stopalo je odrezano, ker sem se slikala v ogledalu, da pa ni noge, sem opazila šele, ko sem šla obdelovat sliko. :S
+ Eno stopalo je odrezano, ker sem se slikala v ogledalu, da pa ni noge, sem opazila šele, ko sem šla obdelovat sliko. :S
100 - yeeeeej
Evo, moja stota objava. Na začetku sem mislila, da je ne bo, pa mi je bloganje kar malo zlezlo pod kožo :)
btw, 3 dni nazaj sem se končno naučila tudi vstaviti "visit counter". Prej sem vedno v googla napisala: people counter, pa mi nikoli ni bilo jasno, zakaj mi ne vrže ven nobene strani, kjer bi si brezplačno lahko poštimala to zadevščino. Dokler nisem par dni nazaj pri fantu spala in kar naenkrat me je presunilo (ko sem še spala..), da vedno narobe vpišem v iskalnik :DDD.
naštimala sem si Toboads oglase. Imate kaj izkušenj z njimi??? Se dejansko zasluži kakšen €. Sama sem si jih nastavila bolj iz firbca, kot pa iz želje po zaslužku, ker nekako sumim, da je ni :D
Zaenkrat sem v dveh dneh zaslužila 17 centov..!! :D Denar pa mi bodo nakazali šele, ko bom imela 40€. :D Tako da sumim, da bom najbolj redne bralce in klikerje na oglase lahko čez cca 5 let peljala na kavo - če ne bo takrat kava v naših preljubih lokalih dosegla še višjo nenormalno ceno :D
Torej, na plan z željami, pohvalami, kritikami, pripombami, ..
(no, malo lahko upoštevate dejstvo, da sem še dokaj nova na sceni, da ne boste prestrogi do mene :DD)
Danes je tak super dan - kot narejen za učenje. Dež pada, nobenega ni zunaj, vsi so zaspani, nič se jim ne da,... Meni pa tako vreme paše. Ravno takrat, ko se okoli mene nič pametnega ne dogaja, se lahko učim. Ker ničesar ne zamudim.. :DD
Mika me samo, da bi si prebrala e-knjigo Twilight. Pa si nekako ne upam, ker po pričevanju prijateljic ne moreš nehati, ko jo enkrat začneš brati. Ste jo že prebrale?
Danes zjutraj sem tudi "prebrala" knjigo Preklestvo v zlati kletki (dramatična zgodba Urške Čepin, napisana pod peresom nane Zanelli). Ja vem ja, tako sem bila proti, a me je premamilo in sem rekla soforumašici, naj mi jo pošlje na mail. Moje mnenje: Loooooooooooooooooooooool. Preskakovala sem poglavja, samo da sem bila skozi. Na vsaki strani je drugače itak samo ene par besed- sedaj končno razumem, kako jim je uspelo knjigo raztegniti na tako veliko strani (blizu 200). Na sredi je par strani fotografij - nedolžna Urša slikana v takih in drugačnih položajih :DD
In ja, knjiga je napisana na nivoju osnovnošolskega spisa. Najbolj v dobro voljo so me pa spravile besede: kurvešta, seksulja, ... :S
simpatično sličico sem dobila tukaj
Which one looks worst? :D
Torej, povejte svoje mnenje o teh dveh outfitih. So vam všeč, vam niso, ... ?
Ali se vam zdi, da je Beyonce izbrala pravi kroj za svojo postavo?
Mislite, da Lady GaGa pretirava s svojo "ekstravaganco"?
Ali se vam zdi, da je Beyonce izbrala pravi kroj za svojo postavo?
Mislite, da Lady GaGa pretirava s svojo "ekstravaganco"?
Just a Quick Note
This is not craft related in any way, but I wanted to share my roses and day lilies with you. My roses have just exploded over the last week or so and are just beautiful! Given the number of buds, I can safely say they will continue to be beautiful for some time to come.
Also fun this last week or two, my day lilies have all bloomed out. I love how these yellow lilies just "keep on keeping on" all summer long.
yes! as promised,9:04 minutes of the music drama special !!
more to come stay tunned aye?big thanks and credits to: hoonfami
28.4.09 F4 5 years Later - Ep 2 Yi Jung Story - Boys Over Flowers - Mnet Music Drama
rtist(s) : Various Artists
Mini Album : F4 [Special Edition]
Release Date: 28.04.2009
Language : Korean
Bit Rate: 192 kpbs
The song featured in the BOF Music Drama trailer is track #1 by Kim Joon.
*Red text are new songs.
1. 비워내기 (Feat. 김조한 KIM JO HAN) - 김준 (KIM JOON)
2. 지금 만나러 갑니다 - 김범 (KIM BUM)
3. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (클럽 Club Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
4. 숨겨봐도 안되는 마음 - 이지혜 (LEE JI HYE)
5. 행복이란 - 김현중 (Kim Hyun Joong)
6. 가슴이 어떻게 됐나봐 - A & T
7. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Ballad Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
8. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Dance Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
9. 널 사랑해 (Bang Bang Boom) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
All 9 tracks are included in the file.
Download links:
credits: soompi + lks + daum
Mini Album : F4 [Special Edition]
Release Date: 28.04.2009
Language : Korean
Bit Rate: 192 kpbs
The song featured in the BOF Music Drama trailer is track #1 by Kim Joon.
*Red text are new songs.
1. 비워내기 (Feat. 김조한 KIM JO HAN) - 김준 (KIM JOON)
2. 지금 만나러 갑니다 - 김범 (KIM BUM)
3. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (클럽 Club Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
4. 숨겨봐도 안되는 마음 - 이지혜 (LEE JI HYE)
5. 행복이란 - 김현중 (Kim Hyun Joong)
6. 가슴이 어떻게 됐나봐 - A & T
7. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Ballad Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
8. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Dance Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
9. 널 사랑해 (Bang Bang Boom) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
All 9 tracks are included in the file.
Download links:
credits: soompi + lks + daum
[LIVE HQ 09.04.09]T-Max (티맥스) - 나쁜 마음 먹게해 (Fight The Bad Feeling)
[LIVE HQ 09.04.09]Kim Joon (김준) & Kang Min Kyung (강민경) - I Love You Oh Thank You
kim joon performing a cover of saranghae gomawo from MC MONG
since he was not so much into the spotlight in the drama,he gets all the attention now
he modeled for andre kim and now the special edition of BOF is told from his point of view.he even has a GF too in the "5 years later" special edition of BOF stay tunned for more updates
he modeled for andre kim and now the special edition of BOF is told from his point of view.he even has a GF too in the "5 years later" special edition of BOF stay tunned for more updates
mmmmkayyy lets see....since its been suuuuch a long time since we updated the blog...i decided to go throught the headlines of most of the sites i visit and "Extract" the esential.
as u can see "uri" F4 have been very very busy was released the first episode of the SPECIAL EDITION of episode comming up next week.
looks like the episodes come out as musical video..i m not sure yet since the full episode has not been uploaded YET! i m still checking youtube for it.if u found it please let me know.just leave a message in the c-box.kamsahamnida:D
now lets check out just some of the many CFs and adds that F4 have been working at
Kim Bum Mario Kart Wii CF - Full version
more vids on wii's official site;)Kim Bum It's Skin CF 30sec 20090418
09.04.23 Haptic Mission TV CF (eng trans)
and surprise!!
Kim Bum singing at Japan Fanmeeting
he can sing too!
ah perfect much? xD
28.4.09 Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon, Son Dambi -Haptic Mission - Long CF Version 2 part 1/3
just follow the links there to see the rest of the parts^^enjoy28.4.09Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon, Son Dambi - Haptic Mission CF- Long Version 1 part 1/3
another version!28.4.09 F4 5 years Later - Ep 2 Kim Joon Story - Boys Over Flowers - Mnet / 비워내기
ah the long waited special edition...its a bit confusing but i think things will be clear soon enough..this just leaked today so please be patiens..the other parts will be uploaded soon on ytb we have the users promise ^~ :"Yi jung Story , Please wait!!! I will upload soon.
F4 Special has 2 parts.
part 1 released tonight with Woo Bin and Yi Jung Story. /13mins (Ep 1+ Ep2 )
part 2 is coming next week with Pyo and Ji Hoo Story./13mins ( Ep 3 + Ep 4)
I love this song :D
The first track on F4 Special Edition feat. Kim Bum and Kim Jun:
비워내기 (Feat 김조한) - 김준(Biweonaegi (Feat. Kim Jo Han) - Kim Jun) "
here u can download the songs from the special edition album:
F4 Special Edition Mp3 and Download Link
[090424]SBS.Intimate Note-SJ.Gee and SorrySorry Dance cross-dressing
ah this is too much for me to handle i laughed my heart out!
must see:)
i have a permanent grinn on my face since i saw this vid haha
puts a smile on my face every time i watch it.
they are outta control!!!! hahaha
Im sure most of u allready know this one:
[MV CF Vers.1 HQ/HD 720p]Lee Min Ho (이민호) feat Jessica Gomez - Extreme (익스트림)
lee minho's digital single extreme.until next time..something to...
tada~ and stay healthy! stay away from the swine flu!
its serious sh#|
Space Age Orange and Viewliner Ltd.
Today I'm posting photos of two Space Age wonders from the Orange Public Library's history collection. The first image (top) shows the Cinedome movie theater under construction in 1969. The second image shows the Luer Meat Rocket (no jokes please), in Orange's 1956 May Festival Parade. (The Soviets had rockets in their May Day parades too, but that was kinda different.)
Charles Phoenix writes, "Luer was a meat-packing house that started in downtown Los Angeles in 1885. The 1950s era rocket ship was to them what the weenie mobile is to Oscar Meyer. It made countless appearances in local parades, super market grand openings and other civic events promoting their "quality meat" products. You could actually go inside of it... Surprisingly, fifty years later, this rocket still exists. Last I heard it’s old and weathered and sitting in a yard in Prescott, Arizona."
One of my regular reads, the Viewliner Ltd. blog, has had some especially interesting posts lately, including historical glimpses of the Pacific Electric Railway, Knott's Berry Farm, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Disneyland, and more Disneyland.
Chirp! Chirp!
It seems that I owe my friend and neighbor Andrea another big thank you.... I entered the Thank You card I made for her to the Cricut Chirp! project spotlight and won!!! So.... to recap: Andrea made me an awesome wreath, I made her a thank you card, because she made me the awesome wreath, I win a new cartridge!!! Wow!
By the way, for those inquiring minds who will ask - I chose Lyrical Letters and I cannot wait for it to arrive!!!!!
By the way, for those inquiring minds who will ask - I chose Lyrical Letters and I cannot wait for it to arrive!!!!!
Citrus trucks and Tustin Hills Citrus Association
The images above come from the April 1937 issue of Popular Mechanics. The accompanying article reads, "Constant breaking of trees and bruising of fruit by trucks hauling fruit through the groves has been ended by California citrus growers. On the recommendation of automotive engineers they now use a long slender truck which rolls through the grove without causing damage."
Doug McInstosh, who submitted this item, writes, "If you look closely on the citrus truck door, the letter reads 'Tustin Hills Citrus Association.'"
Also note that the truck is not a flatbed. That isn't a big trailer on the back -- It's a perfect stack of field boxes -- full of fruit.
There's another 1930s photo of the truck (along with the rest of the fleet) on James Lancaster's "Historic Packing Houses and Other Industrial Structures in Southern California: Virtual Tour of Orange County" website.
Tustin Hills Citrus Association was a growers cooperative, organized in 1909. They had a packing house in Tustin, between Holt and Newport Ave. near Irvine Blvd. They later joined the Southern California Fruit Exchange, which eventually became Sunkist.
Doug McInstosh, who submitted this item, writes, "If you look closely on the citrus truck door, the letter reads 'Tustin Hills Citrus Association.'"
Also note that the truck is not a flatbed. That isn't a big trailer on the back -- It's a perfect stack of field boxes -- full of fruit.
There's another 1930s photo of the truck (along with the rest of the fleet) on James Lancaster's "Historic Packing Houses and Other Industrial Structures in Southern California: Virtual Tour of Orange County" website.
Tustin Hills Citrus Association was a growers cooperative, organized in 1909. They had a packing house in Tustin, between Holt and Newport Ave. near Irvine Blvd. They later joined the Southern California Fruit Exchange, which eventually became Sunkist.
The aerial photo below comes from the Tustin Area Historical Society, and shows the Tustin Hills packing house around 1950.
Ste vedele, da ima Balmain tudi produkte za nego las. Sama sem to opazila danes v kopalnici, ko sem se česala s krtačo za lase. :)
Malo sem pogooglala in ugotovila da je vse res :D
Moja krtača je sicer namenjena podaljšanim lasem, vendar mi jo je frizerka priporočala, ker je res super za uničene konice (nekako ti jih zgladi, da izgledajo bolj "zdrave). V glavnem super je..
Ta znamka tudi sicer sploh ni draga (krtača okoli 7 funtov, pri nas seveda 12€).
Malo sem pogooglala in ugotovila da je vse res :D
Moja krtača je sicer namenjena podaljšanim lasem, vendar mi jo je frizerka priporočala, ker je res super za uničene konice (nekako ti jih zgladi, da izgledajo bolj "zdrave). V glavnem super je..
Ta znamka tudi sicer sploh ni draga (krtača okoli 7 funtov, pri nas seveda 12€).
Thank Goodness for Ice Cream Cones
** Cute file has been added to the downloadable list in the left hand column.**
The designers' challenge this week over at Bitten by the Bug was to use the Doodlecharms cartridge, any cut we wanted, as long as we used the border feature. You know the border feature - three of any item on a single key stroke. I actually planned a cute lady bug card, titled Always a Lady (ha, ha, ha), but then I just could not resist the ice cream cones. And the ice cream flavors!!!! And the chocolate cones!!! Okay, you get the idea. I don't just love my family, the cricut, scrapping, my pj's, and Hello Kitty... I love ice cream cones! Ice cream cones are OH SO MUCH better than ice cream in a dish!
As luck would have it, I also needed to make a thank you card. And guess what 6 ice cream cones gives you? Enough cones to spell THANKS!!! I used BasicGrey red paper to cut the letters with George. I wanted them to pop, but not to take over the card.
The card itself is cut in bright pink bazzil card stock. I used the border punch along the edge of the card, as well as the edge of an "under skirt" piece. I used two different ribbons, running vertically, across the background of the card. I also used the same two ribbons (and a flower) in the bow.
The ice cream cones were cut in two layers. The base cut was in bazzil brown, and the top cut was the ice cream only (mint chocolate chip, cherry chip, strawberry, vanilla, and strawberry with strawberries!). And of course a sparkling cherry on top of each cone.
I used stickles not only on the cherries and berry chips, but also on the diagonals on the cones. I think I should go right now and make a cone like the "A" cone, and then perhaps move on to the "K" cone!!!! Mmmmmmm.
New Vinyl Cut For My Honda Minivan
Remember some months ago when I cut the vinyl cricuts for my and my cricut loving friends vehicles? I decided to create a second vinyl cut featuring one of my other favorite things.... Hello Kitty!!
I used the Hello Kitty cartridge on the outline setting and created this cute decal... A couple of our friends and my co-workers call my minivan "the cricky-mobile". I wonder what the addition of Kitty will do to that label????
By the way - CLEARLY my cricky-mobile, the cricut cut AND Kitty need a bath... Yucky!
I used the Hello Kitty cartridge on the outline setting and created this cute decal... A couple of our friends and my co-workers call my minivan "the cricky-mobile". I wonder what the addition of Kitty will do to that label????
By the way - CLEARLY my cricky-mobile, the cricut cut AND Kitty need a bath... Yucky!
malo pomoči prosim :)
Že nekaj časa si želim imeti kožne salonarje. So nek tak basic kos, ki res paše povsod.
Sedaj jih po naših slabo založenih trgovinah iščem že kar nekaj časa. Ste jih mogoče ve kje opazile?
El Toro
Here are two of my favorite things, mashed together: Local history and "California School" watercolor painting. This painting hangs on the wall at the Saddleback Area Historical Society's library, which I had the pleasure of visiting yesterday. (More about that at a later date.)
A paper tacked up next to this painting reads, "Edgar Gerry Starr (1908-1971) was born in Imperial, CA on Sept. 8, 1908. He graduated from high school in Oakland and then atteneded the CCAC [California College of Arts & Crafts] and PAFA [Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts]. Returning to Los Angeles, he studied with Lawrence Murphy and Millard Sheets at the Chouinard School of Art. During the 1930s he was employed at Disney Studios while exhibiting in juried shows in California and Arizona. He made many sketching trips with Sheets to Mexico. After 'discovering' Puerto Vallarta, he and his wife settled there in 1954. His Disney work includes 'Pinocchio,' 'Fantasia,' and 'Song of the South.'"
The painting depicts the old Santa Fe depot at El Toro, which was built in 1887. Sadly, it is long gone.
Recently, someone called me out (in a "mostly kidding" way) for referring to Lake Forest as El Toro. I do so because it was called El Toro for over 153 years (since at least 1838). It's only been Lake Forest since 1991. The only lakes or forests in the area are completely manmade.
As my friend Jeremy Tweet points out, "There's another Lake Forest, CA. It's located at Tahoe. Where they have things like lakes and forests."
On the other hand, perhaps we should rename Anaheim "Alpine Falls, California." After all, they have a fake Matterhorn with a fake waterfall on it. And the name Anaheim has only been in use since 1857. The new name would probably help developers sell more condos, too. (I shouldn't give them ideas!)
A paper tacked up next to this painting reads, "Edgar Gerry Starr (1908-1971) was born in Imperial, CA on Sept. 8, 1908. He graduated from high school in Oakland and then atteneded the CCAC [California College of Arts & Crafts] and PAFA [Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts]. Returning to Los Angeles, he studied with Lawrence Murphy and Millard Sheets at the Chouinard School of Art. During the 1930s he was employed at Disney Studios while exhibiting in juried shows in California and Arizona. He made many sketching trips with Sheets to Mexico. After 'discovering' Puerto Vallarta, he and his wife settled there in 1954. His Disney work includes 'Pinocchio,' 'Fantasia,' and 'Song of the South.'"
The painting depicts the old Santa Fe depot at El Toro, which was built in 1887. Sadly, it is long gone.
Recently, someone called me out (in a "mostly kidding" way) for referring to Lake Forest as El Toro. I do so because it was called El Toro for over 153 years (since at least 1838). It's only been Lake Forest since 1991. The only lakes or forests in the area are completely manmade.
As my friend Jeremy Tweet points out, "There's another Lake Forest, CA. It's located at Tahoe. Where they have things like lakes and forests."
On the other hand, perhaps we should rename Anaheim "Alpine Falls, California." After all, they have a fake Matterhorn with a fake waterfall on it. And the name Anaheim has only been in use since 1857. The new name would probably help developers sell more condos, too. (I shouldn't give them ideas!)
Saturday Scrapping Adventures
I have literally spent almost the entire day in my scrap room. I had five projects to create for a little venture I am involved in, as well as a birthday card, and as my husband reminded me at 8:00 pm, an ordination card for tomorrow morning!!!
First the birthday card: A special little girl that I know will be having a birthday next Sunday. Not wanting to wait till the last minute (unlike my other project), I made her card today. I used my nesties to frame the month and the vintage image.
As I said above, my husband reminded me this evening that we would need a card for tomorrow morning. A young woman who grew up with my older two children is being ordained tomorrow. She is an amazing woman, which is not surprising as she was always an amazing child. We are very proud to know her, very honored to have been able to watch her grow up, and blessed to be invited to this big event in her life! Congratulations Allison!!
I did not create the original design for this card, so I will not be able to share the cute file. Mary, the
I inked the white vellum before adhering it to the cross so that it would have a bit more dimension. Inside I added a pocket for a gift card so that it would not show through the vellum. I finished the card off with Prima Mullberry Paper flowers and gem brads.
This is the card with the light shining inside the card instead of on the front.
I really wish that I could share the other projects I worked on today; they came out so nicely. I designed and cut three total cricut layouts, and two really, really pretty cards. All together today I used 14 cartridges!! I cannot believe I used that many cartridges in one day!!!
First the birthday card: A special little girl that I know will be having a birthday next Sunday. Not wanting to wait till the last minute (unlike my other project), I made her card today. I used my nesties to frame the month and the vintage image.
As I said above, my husband reminded me this evening that we would need a card for tomorrow morning. A young woman who grew up with my older two children is being ordained tomorrow. She is an amazing woman, which is not surprising as she was always an amazing child. We are very proud to know her, very honored to have been able to watch her grow up, and blessed to be invited to this big event in her life! Congratulations Allison!!
I did not create the original design for this card, so I will not be able to share the cute file. Mary, the
I inked the white vellum before adhering it to the cross so that it would have a bit more dimension. Inside I added a pocket for a gift card so that it would not show through the vellum. I finished the card off with Prima Mullberry Paper flowers and gem brads.
This is the card with the light shining inside the card instead of on the front.
I really wish that I could share the other projects I worked on today; they came out so nicely. I designed and cut three total cricut layouts, and two really, really pretty cards. All together today I used 14 cartridges!! I cannot believe I used that many cartridges in one day!!!
Počasi postajam obsedena s to trgovino :S Nekaj novih kosov, za katere upam, da jih bodo videle tudi naše trgovine (in moja omara :D ).
btw. imam en nov programček, kjer lahko skupaj mečeš slike, jih urejaš,.. zaenkrat se še malo lovim.. tako da kolaži niso ne vem kako super :S
h&m norija
Ok, verjamem da si pač želijo en dizajnerski kos.. samo da se ljudje napol pretepajo.. da čakajo 12 ur pred trgovino, da se odpre... TO JE PA BOLNO!!
Tukaj je vsa norija v eni od h&m-ovih poslovalnicah opisana tudi časovno.. Najbolj bolno mi je to, da so celo odštevali.. loool no, ne moreš odštevati in čakati dvanajst ur pred trgovino zaradi ene majice :S Pa še kolekcija ni nič posebnega, samo znano ime se je podpisalo pod njo..
Da je v dvajsetih minutah zmanjkalo vse..
Ali pa tole:
10:20 a.m.
The sales clerk regales me with the story of a woman who emerged from a fitting room in a leather jacket asking, "Does this fit me?" A group of girls waiting in line respond on cue: "No, it looks ugly and it does not fit you!"
ahahaha.. konec solidarnosti :DDDD
10:09 a.m.
A group of women are found huddled in the store's menswear department, bartering their pile of items. "I'll trade you this belt for that bag."
si kar predstavljam :S
Ali pa da možu narišeš mapo in risbo majice, ki si jo želiš, ter ga pošlješ v roj besnih žensk..
Bi se šle boriti zraven ali se vam vse skupaj zdi ena velika bedarija?
tuji modni blogi prvič
Par mojih najljubših tujih blogov..
Alice in Wonderland - punca obvlada plastenje. Nase ponavadi "nameče" po deset kosov, vendar na koncu izpade kot čudovita celota
Karla's closet - top blog. Punca ima res dober stil in neomejeno blazerjev :D
Sea of shoes - zelo mlada bloggerka, ki se pri svojih 17ih letih pojavlja po modnih revijah v vseh državah. Da o številu njenih čevljev ne govorim..
Nitrolicious - tukaj lahko izveste vse modne novosti.
fashion toast - basic oblačila + zanimivi dodatki delajo čudeže!
Berete modne bloge? Kateri so vam najljubši?
Alice in Wonderland - punca obvlada plastenje. Nase ponavadi "nameče" po deset kosov, vendar na koncu izpade kot čudovita celota
Karla's closet - top blog. Punca ima res dober stil in neomejeno blazerjev :D
Sea of shoes - zelo mlada bloggerka, ki se pri svojih 17ih letih pojavlja po modnih revijah v vseh državah. Da o številu njenih čevljev ne govorim..
Nitrolicious - tukaj lahko izveste vse modne novosti.
fashion toast - basic oblačila + zanimivi dodatki delajo čudeže!
Berete modne bloge? Kateri so vam najljubši?
Postingan (Atom)