She's the pop singer seen jogging in Central Park. Madonna captured the style and fashion sense of generation. Especially teenage girls in the 1980s. Madonna is among the most influential people of the 1980s.
Madonna has always had a special relationship with the media. While many stars try desperately to avoid the paparazzi, Madonna has the power to manipulate the media to her advantage.
In 1985 Madonna ruled the airwaves and MTV too. Madonna at her peak was making music, videos and even movies at a fevered pace. Madonna had the media all sewn up by the mid 1980s. Madonna never had too much trouble from the paparazzi. She, in fact, seemed to embrace the photographers throughout her early career.
From her wildly teased and colored hair to the return of lace and fishnet stockings, her accessories were outrageous, and girls around the world wanted to be like Madonna even going so far as to add her trademark mole to their cheeks.
Paris Fashion Week as always was a major destination for the designer crowd recently. Boasting some of the hottest names in the industry and an A grade guest list, Paris is the home of Haute Courture.
Naturally plenty of press were on hand to give a blow by blow description of each days high and low lights. Now that the closing ceremony has come and gone the critics have given their overview of proceedings and as always it has involved an over use of adjectives and overstating the obvious.
paris fashion week paris fashion week paris fashion week paris fashion week paris fashion week
Today our blog turns 2 beautiful and furfilling years old,so i wanna thank all our readers for bearing with us and spazzing and flailing 2gheter for DBSK and korean culture.Sharing the same passions and hobbies is nice..and it's even nicer when u have such great fandom to share them with. I <3 heart u all my Casseiopeias & Bigeasts & International fans! Saranghae,aishiteru! ^_^
Pagini Aurii si 5 dintre cei mai cunoscuti bloggeri din Romania - Cabral, Denisuca, Clickio, eCostin, Chinezu - te invita la concurs!
Salutare blogosfera!!! Huh,ce ciudat e sa scriu in romana pe blog,se intampla rar...dar cu ocazii deosebite:) ^_- Sa trecem la ce ne intereseaza,dupa cum observati am facut niste schimbari pe blog,in caz ca nu ati vazut inca acea casuta galbena cu o simpatica "pata de culoare" ar fi timpul sa va uitati mai bine!!! Care sunt beneficiile ei,dar mai ales ale voastre?Pai ar fi destule,si am sa va enumar cateva "furate" chiar de pe site-ul oficial.
Iata avantajele dobandite in urma adaugarii unei casute de cautare in pe site-ul tau:
Ofera-le vizitatorilor tai un acces direct la o cautare precisa de firme, produse si servicii.
Cea mai scurta cale catre informatii despre sute de mii de firme din toata Romania, actualizate zilnic.
Adaugi in site-ului tau continut bogat si relevant.
Posibilitatea de a efectua cautari in domeniul selectat de tine, potrivit temei site-ului tau.
Ai un site local? Poti oferi vizitatorilor doar rezultate relevante, din zona voastra, fie ca este regiune, oras sau chiar comuna.
Personalizare extrem de flexibila din punct de vedere vizual, pentru a se incadra perfect in design-ul site-ului tau, pana la cele mai mici amanunte - poti alege dintre mai multe dimensiuni
Casuta de cautare este gratuita si usor de instalat
Nu iti va ingreuna incarcarea site-ului in browsere
Nu ai nevoie sa te pricepi la programare, codul se introduce usor, cu un simplu copy/paste.
O poti afisa pe cate site-uri doresti, fie ca sunt personale, bloguri sau sectiuni in retele sociale - nu ai nici o restrictie.
Casuta este un element interactiv in site-ul tau pe care vizitatorii il vor aprecia cu siguranta.
Vizitatorul care va folosi casuta de cautare nu va parasi site-ul tau: rezultatele detaliate ale cautarii lui se deschid intr-o fereastra separata.
Website-ul a fost lansat în anul 1999, adăugând căutarea online la numeroasele informaţii oferite prin intermediul versiunii tipărite a ghidurilor Pagini Aurii, dar având acelaşi scop: stabilirea unei legături între vânzatori şi cumpărători.
Cum? Prin afişarea unor rezultate corecte şi permanent actualizate, ca răspuns la criteriile de căutare ale utilizatorilor, privind domeniul de activitate, numele şi localizarea companiilor.
în prezent, site-ul pune la dispoziţia utilizatorilor şi a clienţilor săi un motor de căutare creativ, intuitiv şi eficient, atât pentru persoane fizice, cât şi pentru companii.
în timp, site-ul a avut o evoluţie radicală, urmărindu-şi scopul propus prin adăugarea unor noi caracteristici:
Utilizatorii site-ului beneficiază de un motor de căutare eficient, care asigură obţinerea unor rezultate relevante la căutare, în funcţie de domeniul de activitate, numele sau localizarea companiei.
Anunţurile afişate pe site-ul nostru includ informaţii precum: numere de telefon şi fax, adrese de e-mail, site-uri web, descrieri ale afacerilor, produse şi servicii oferite de comercianţi, companii sau liber profesionişti.
Pe lângă datele de contact ale companiilor, site-ul conţine de asemenea o extinsă colecţie interactivă de hărţi. Geocodarea companiilor (localizarea pe hartă prin longitudine şi latitudine) este o procedură aflată actualmente în etapa de pionierat pe piaţa de online din România; de aceea suntem siguri că utlizatorii vor aprecia acest avantaj şi îl vor considera deosebit de util şi eficient .
Viziunea noastră este evidentă: să fim percepuţi ca primă opţiune pentru căutarea şi publicitatea de interes local. Schimbarea radicală a site-ului evidenţiază clar intenţia de a ne asuma acest rol într-o manieră orientată spre utilizatori, inovatoare, prietenoasă, autentică şi avangardistă, respectându-ne atât clienţii, cât şi utilizatorii.
mai pe scurt:
Scopul lor este sa va usureze voua munca atunci cand vreti sa gasiti cat mai repede o anumita informatie,de orice gen...fie ea localizarea unei companii sau diverse detalii despre o firma.Si multe altele! Tinta lor este să devina prima opţiune pentru căutarea şi publicitatea de interes local!
Inca mai stai pe ganduri?Nu ai adaugat acest widget simpatic pe blogul tau?? o_o CE MAI ASTEPTI??? Sa inteleg ca nu vrei sa mergi in China sau in Anglia,sau poate nu vrei sa castigi o multime de premii interesante?Se una vreau! Vreau in China cu Lelis(my cousin),de aceea am ales negrul,ca e baiat destept si a suplimentat cu un loc:D Sper sa se tina de cuvant:)))) Si in caz ca nu,oricum...buna tehnica de marketing;) Iata si blogul lui Cabral aici . Ce sa mai...sunt convinsa ca am intrat in echipa potrivita...e ca si castigat concursu asta..mai trebuie doar sa fac bagajele:))) aaaa si sa fiu selectata!!:) Go team Cabral!
Conditii de participare:
Poti participa la concursul Golden Box daca indeplinesti conditiile prezentate in continuare:
Detii un blog sau site pe care iti poti instala widgetul Golden Box
Blogul sau site-ul tau trebuie sa aiba o vechime de minim trei luni
Ai mai multe site-uri sau bloguri? Poti pune widgetul pe toate acestea.
Daca te numeri printre castigatori si scrii pe blog despre excursii, va trebui sa mentionezi concursul printr-un link catre pagina sa oficiala.
Modul de desfasurare:
Iti alegi unul din cei 5 bloggeri, astfel inscriindu-te in echipa dorita.
Va trebui sa preiei widgetul personalizat al bloggerului lider si sa-l postezi pe blogul sau site-ul propriu pe care il vei pastra pe toata perioada concursului.
Urmatorul pas va fi sa scrii un articol despre widget, invitandu-ti cititorii sa preia widgetul echipei tale.
Poti mentiona concursul de la Pagini Aurii pe retelele sociale, blogul sau site-ul tau.
Premiul 1. Excursie in China la conferinta EXPO China 2010.
Premiul 2. Excursie in Marea Britanie la conferinta Ad:tech Londra pentru doi bloggeri din echipa castigatoare.
Premiul 3. Un ebook reader Amazon Kindle pentru a putea citi orice carte iti doresti, in format digital.
Premiul 4. Cinci bloggeri cu numarul de cautari cel mai mare in widget vor primi cate 300 de euro fiecare.
Suna bine,nu? Stiu...asa ca nu mai stati pe ganduri,hai cu Cabral in China! mai multe detalii pe site-ul oficial--> Pentru si mai multe detalii,cititi regulamentul ->aici<-
Te-ai inscris?Hai cu widget-ul,alege team Cabral,si baga advertising pe toate siteurile de socializare pe care ai cont: Twitter,Facebook,Hi5,ce iti doreste inima! Bafta!!! Si in caz ca nu ma aflu printre luati un suvenir din China!!!
Cum le potriveste El pe toate...acum o ora postam pe twitter "I need a miracle" si la scurt timp vad tweet-ul lui Cabral despre acest concurs.Vedeti cum functioneaza zicala "cere si ti se va da"? Si ca sa vezi cum sunt toate potrivite...EU,KITY(maaare impatimita si iubitoare a lumii asiatice) am ocazia sa particip la un concurs al carui premiu este o excursie la China Expo..ring a bell?Pentru cititorii mei dragi...sigur canta clopotelul acum...cand zic China Expo zic Yuhno Uknow(DBSK member-Subiectul acestui blog!).Totul se invarte in jurul tocmai cand ma pregateam sa zic..."E imposibil!"...CINEVA a avut grija sa imi arate ca NIMIC NU E IMPOSIBIL! SI IN MOD CERT NIMIC NU E INTAMPLATOR!
Un video sa intram putin in atmosfera...Enjoy!
Inainte sa incheiem aceasta seara grandios....recapitulam ce aveti VOI de facut acum: -incepeti sa va bucurati de beneficiile casutei minunate(cautati cautati si iar cautati! ce va pofteste inima...scrieti acolo si apasati cautare) -spuneti si la prietenii vostrii despre concurs si casuta minunata -inscrieti-va si voi -adaugati widget-ul pe blogul vostru -scrieti un articol mai frumos ca al meu -advertise advertise advertise peste tot!
Calling all casseiopeia!!!
My fellow cassies I need ur help! I just signed up for a contest and the prize is a trip to Shanghai expo!!! Uknowwhat that means....^_-
So i need your jjang ninja skillz and gather as much hits as i can on that cute yellow box i added on my blog.All u have to do is just type a word in one of those 2 fields and then click "CAUTA" and that's all.Easy right? It would mean alot for me!
Always keep the faith! That's all! Kbye ^_^ Xie-Xie ni, Zai jin! (just practicing my cianiz):)))
here's a self explanatory picture of what u have to do: [click to enlarge pic]
Global rebound anemic: Roubini SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Advanced economies face years of anemic growth and the risk of a double-dip recession as their citizens cope with sluggish employment and highly indebted governments, economist Nouriel Roubini said on Monday. A sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone has rattled financial markets in recent weeks as investors worry that fiscal austerity measures dictated by a $1 trillion European Union-International Monetary Fund rescue plan could stifle already hobbled global growth.
So what can you do when the news is bad and it is just so ugly out there...well in true European fashion you can always take to the streets as these luscious Latvian blonde barbies did. Latvia blondes hold festival to beat recession blues
Hundreds of blonde Latvian women have been marching through the capital Riga to try to bolster the national spirit in time of recession. Most of the participants dressed in pink and wore high heels. The blonde parade began last year and was planned as a one-off but it is back by popular demand and is now a two-day festival. Latvia has been hit badly by recession. Its economy shrank by 18% in 2009 and it has Europe's highest unemployment.
Yeah, those blonde babes really know how to rip it up in Riga!
Marika Gederte, president of the Latvian Association of Blondes, told the BBC the idea came out of the economic gloom. "I was so tired, you know, every day opening the computer and reading the newspapers and just reading about problems. We decided... let's do something nice. And I asked myself the question: what can I do for my country? And this is what I did... We are very proud to be blonde."
Proud to be blonde? She's got to be kidding. Obviously she has having a 'blonde moment" when she said that. No wonder we have so many blonde jokes.
On a plane flight from Seattle to Chicago, a blonde was sitting in economy class. About half way through the flight, she got up and moved to an empty seat in first class. A flight attendant who observed this, went over to her and politely explained that she had to move back to economy class because that was what her ticket was for. The blonde replied, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Chicago and I'm staying right here." After several attempts to explain to the blonde why she had to return to economy class, the flight attendant gave up. She went to the cockpit and explained the situation to the pilot and co-pilot. The co-pilot said, "Let me try." He went up to the blonde and politely tried to explain to her why she needed to return to her seat in economy class.
But the blonde only replied, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Chicago and I'm staying right here." Frustrated, the co-pilot returned to the cockpit. He suggested that perhaps they should have the airline call the police and have her arrested when they land.
"Wait a minute," said the pilot. "Did you say she's blonde? I can handle this. My wife is a blonde. I speak Blonde." So he went up to the woman sitting in first class and whispered something in her ear. "I'm sorry," said the blonde, and she promptly got up and returned to her seat in economy class.
"What did you say to her?" ask the astonished flight attendant and co-pilot. To which the pilot replied, "I just told her that first class isn't going to Chicago."
Global rebound anemic: Roubini SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Advanced economies face years of anemic growth and the risk of a double-dip recession as their citizens cope with sluggish employment and highly indebted governments, economist Nouriel Roubini said on Monday. A sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone has rattled financial markets in recent weeks as investors worry that fiscal austerity measures dictated by a $1 trillion European Union-International Monetary Fund rescue plan could stifle already hobbled global growth.
So what can you do when the news is bad and it is just so ugly out there...well in true European fashion you can always take to the streets as these luscious Latvian blonde barbies did. Latvia blondes hold festival to beat recession blues
Hundreds of blonde Latvian women have been marching through the capital Riga to try to bolster the national spirit in time of recession. Most of the participants dressed in pink and wore high heels. The blonde parade began last year and was planned as a one-off but it is back by popular demand and is now a two-day festival. Latvia has been hit badly by recession. Its economy shrank by 18% in 2009 and it has Europe's highest unemployment.
Yeah, those blonde babes really know how to rip it up in Riga!
Marika Gederte, president of the Latvian Association of Blondes, told the BBC the idea came out of the economic gloom. "I was so tired, you know, every day opening the computer and reading the newspapers and just reading about problems. We decided... let's do something nice. And I asked myself the question: what can I do for my country? And this is what I did... We are very proud to be blonde."
Proud to be blonde? She's got to be kidding. Obviously she has having a 'blonde moment" when she said that. No wonder we have so many blonde jokes.
On a plane flight from Seattle to Chicago, a blonde was sitting in economy class. About half way through the flight, she got up and moved to an empty seat in first class. A flight attendant who observed this, went over to her and politely explained that she had to move back to economy class because that was what her ticket was for. The blonde replied, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Chicago and I'm staying right here." After several attempts to explain to the blonde why she had to return to economy class, the flight attendant gave up. She went to the cockpit and explained the situation to the pilot and co-pilot. The co-pilot said, "Let me try." He went up to the blonde and politely tried to explain to her why she needed to return to her seat in economy class.
But the blonde only replied, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Chicago and I'm staying right here." Frustrated, the co-pilot returned to the cockpit. He suggested that perhaps they should have the airline call the police and have her arrested when they land.
"Wait a minute," said the pilot. "Did you say she's blonde? I can handle this. My wife is a blonde. I speak Blonde." So he went up to the woman sitting in first class and whispered something in her ear. "I'm sorry," said the blonde, and she promptly got up and returned to her seat in economy class.
"What did you say to her?" ask the astonished flight attendant and co-pilot. To which the pilot replied, "I just told her that first class isn't going to Chicago."
Whether it was on the bustling streets of Manhattan, or the rolling sand dunes in Morocco, Frank Barbosa, Hair Department Head on Sex and the City 2 made sure that the four leading ladies didn’t have a hair out of place.
We’re all counting down the days until May 27th, when one of the most anticipated sequels releases and we can catch up with the girls. It’s a given that we’ll be in store for some fabulous fashion, but Frank leaks that we’re going to get a hair-full as well.
Here is the how to for becoming a Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte or Miranda yourself.
For the girls’ relaxed natural waves seen at their desert picnic:
Start out with a basic blow out.
Spritz hair with René Furterer finishing spray instant hold for a foundation.
Using a curling iron with a 1 ½ barrel, wrap hair around the iron without opening it and securing it under the clamp.
After unraveling the curl from the iron, pull the curl out by running your fingers through it.
Repeat around entire head.
Finish off the look with a few spritzes of René Furterer Fioravanti no rinse detangling spray to add shine.
René Furterer finishing spray instant hold retails for $27 for and René Furterer Fioravanti no rinse detangling spray retails for $26 and both are available in salons nationwide and at
Happy Memorial Day! And welcome to the BBTB2 blog hop. I am not hopping today (I forgot to arrange a prize - oops!), but be sure to go by BBTB2 to begin the blog hop when you leave here. We had to use the Sweethearts cartridge, specifically the Bless This Nest cut. I used the phrase as well as the bird couple in the nest.
For a really rough idea of how I made this card, I assembled the card in my first ever video. This may not be the worst video ever made, but neither is it in the top ten! You will have A LOT of views of my arm and hand - oops. But the good news is I have finally figured out how to make a craft video. All I need is to purchase a tripod. That will happen this week! I McGyver-ed a the camera for tonight only, hence all of the hand/arm shots!! I will improve my video skills.
And finally here are a couple of more photos. I hope you have a great day.
On friday afternoon me, my friend Lucija and her boyfriend went to china restaurant in Kranj. The food was soooo delicious. I ate spicy sour soup - I love this soup so much. I even try to make it at home but I didn't find all ingridients so it was.. I will say different :D For main dish I had sweet and sour chicken - my fav <3
V petek popoldne sem šla s prijateljico in njenim fantom v kranj v kitajsko restavracijo. hrana je bila zelooo okusna. jedla sem kislopekočo juho - obožujem jo (nekega dne me je celo prijelo, da bi jo pripravila doma, ampak mi nekako ni uspela, ker še nisem prišla do vseh sestavin - no vsaj recept imam). za glavno jed sem (spet!) izbrala sladkokislega piščanca.. mmm.. ne morem se naveličati tega okusa :)
Then we went to the old part of town Kranj to check out the new event called Baza Art. It's a place where young designers present their creations. here are some pictures. They're taken with my new cell phone cell phone samsung b3410w. I finally have a new phone. It was about time!
Potem smo se odpravili v staro mestno jedro kranja, kjer se odvija dogodek Baza Art, kjer mladi oblikovalci predstavljajo svoje kreacije. Za vas sem naredila nekaj fotografij s svojim novim telefonom... bil je že skrajni čas, da si ga omislim :) upam, da ne bo kmalu žrtev moje nerodnosti :D
Birth name : Jennifer Lynn Lopez Also known as J.Lo Born : July 24, 1969 (1969-07-24) (age 40) Origin The Bronx, New York, U.S. Genres Pop, R&B, hip hop, dance-pop, Latin pop Occupations : Actress, singer-songwriter, record producer, dancer, fashion designer, television producer, model, choreographer, entrepreneur, Miami Dolphins part-owner Years active 1986–present (acting) 1997–present (singing) Labels Epic (1999–2010) Def Jam (2010–present) Jennifer Lynn Lopez (born July 24, 1969[1]), often nicknamed J.Lo, is an American actress, singer, record producer, dancer, fashion designer and television producer. She is the richest person of Latin American descent in Hollywood according to Forbes, and the most influential Hispanic entertainer in the U.S. according to People en Español's list of "100 Most Influential Hispanics".[2] She parlayed her media fame into a fashion line and various perfumes with her celebrity endorsement. Outside of her work in the entertainment industry, Lopez advocates human rights, vaccinations and is a supporter of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.
Lopez began her career as a dancer on the television comedy program In Living Color. She subsequently ventured into acting and gained recognition in the 1995 action-thriller Money Train. Lopez's first leading role was in the biographical film Selena (1997), in which she earned an ALMA Award for Outstanding Actress. She earned her second ALMA Award for her performance in the 1998 film Out of Sight. She then starred in the romantic comedies such as The Wedding Planner (2001) and Maid in Manhattan (2002). Lopez had bigger commercial successes with Shall We Dance? (2004) and Monster-in-Law (2005).
Birth name : Jennifer Lynn Lopez Also known as J.Lo Born : July 24, 1969 (1969-07-24) (age 40) Origin The Bronx, New York, U.S. Genres Pop, R&B, hip hop, dance-pop, Latin pop Occupations : Actress, singer-songwriter, record producer, dancer, fashion designer, television producer, model, choreographer, entrepreneur, Miami Dolphins part-owner Years active 1986–present (acting) 1997–present (singing) Labels Epic (1999–2010) Def Jam (2010–present) Jennifer Lynn Lopez (born July 24, 1969[1]), often nicknamed J.Lo, is an American actress, singer, record producer, dancer, fashion designer and television producer. She is the richest person of Latin American descent in Hollywood according to Forbes, and the most influential Hispanic entertainer in the U.S. according to People en Español's list of "100 Most Influential Hispanics".[2] She parlayed her media fame into a fashion line and various perfumes with her celebrity endorsement. Outside of her work in the entertainment industry, Lopez advocates human rights, vaccinations and is a supporter of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.
Lopez began her career as a dancer on the television comedy program In Living Color. She subsequently ventured into acting and gained recognition in the 1995 action-thriller Money Train. Lopez's first leading role was in the biographical film Selena (1997), in which she earned an ALMA Award for Outstanding Actress. She earned her second ALMA Award for her performance in the 1998 film Out of Sight. She then starred in the romantic comedies such as The Wedding Planner (2001) and Maid in Manhattan (2002). Lopez had bigger commercial successes with Shall We Dance? (2004) and Monster-in-Law (2005).