Prospector Phil and I been fixin' to start this TLAGPD thing fer years. But 'twernt 'til last year we got 'er into gear.
Last I heerd, some o' them E Clampus Vitus fellers were helpin' spread the word already. And our grizzled ol' friend Adam at the Heritage Museum of Orange County (who does a fine grizzled prospector impersonation hisself), has been a plumb tolerable press agent too.
But TLAGPD needs you to help make it the next important holiday on the calendar -- smack-dab between National Pie Day (Jan. 23) and Peanut Brittle Day (Jan. 26). So tell yer friends, mark your calendar, join our FB group, and Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector, dagnabbit!
Monday bein' a work day an' all, I reckon there's all kindsa ways ye could work yer prospector talk into conversation, no matter what your line o' work. Fer instance:
Apple Store clerk: "Yessir! We got a whole passel o' these here MacIntosh computator boxes. Belly up to one an' give 'er a go, young feller!"
Psychiatrist: "So,... How's it make ya feel to git raised up by a mother who's a horn-swogglin', four-flushin', ornery sidewinder?"
Surgeon: "We'll have that cyst out o yer neck faster'n a jackrabbit on a hot rock."
And of course, jeweler: "There's GOLD in them thar display cases! GOLD, I tell ye!! And a selection of less expensive alloys! Euuuuureka!"
Yep! Them fellers who started Talk Like A Pirate Day spin a mighty good yarn, but they ain't got nuthin on our authentic frontier gibberish.