The next meeting of the Orange County Historical Society (OCHS) will be held Jan. 8, 7:30pm, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., in Orange. The scheduled speaker is Stan Oftelie, discussing the "Orange County's Rogues Gallery" - a look back at political scandals and skulduggery of yesteryear. Stan is well known in O.C., but it's not well known that he's one of our best historians. Unfortunately, there's been an emergency that may (or may not) keep Stan from attending. On the small chance he cannot be there, I'm preparing a backup program focusing on photos of Orange County from the post-WWII years. I'll post an update when I know more.
By the way, I know many of you belong to local and/or special interest historical organizations. In these tough economic times, membership in these groups is still a great value. Their (usually minimal) dues provide you with educational and interesting activities, programs and publications throughout the year, and also give you an important link to your community. In short, as Bartles & James used to say, "Thank you for your support."