Springtime and summertime are when we ladies expose the most skin. Our arms, backs, stomachs, legs and feet get to have their time in the sun during these months. So, I have one question for you. Is your skin ready for spring and summer? If not here are some steps to help make your skin smoother and softer for warm weather.

Step 1: Exfoliate to Get Smooth Skin for Spring and Summer

Many of us know what exfoliation does for our faces. It gets rid of rough, dead skin to reveal the smoother new skin hiding underneath. However, exfoliating while in the shower with a scrub can be a messy and time-consuming endeavor. I find that a loofah sponge, loofah bath mitt, or a bath glove work well for exfoliating the body. Pour a moisturizing shower gel or cream onto your sponge, mitt or glove and briskly rub your skin. Make sure not to apply too much pressure as you can cause your skin to become irritated and inflamed. You may need a special device like a long handled bath brush or sponge to get to your back. Make sure to rinse your skin thoroughly to remove the shower gel and dead skin from your body.

Smooth Skin Tip: If you need to shave your legs do so after you exfoliate as smoother skin makes for a closer shave helping your legs, arms and underarms remain hair-free and smooth longer.

Step 2: Moisturize to Get Smooth and Soft Skin for Spring and Summer

After you finish bathing, take an absorbent towel and blot your skin dry. Rubbing your skin can cause irritation and inflammation after exfoliation. The result will be inflamed skin that does not feel smooth. Liberally apply your favorite moisturizing lotion to your skin. If your knees, ankles and elbows tend to get ashy, then apply a moisturizing cream or body butter to these areas after you moisturize your body.

Smooth Skin Tip: If your skin is on the dry side then use a bath oil or baby oil to help your skin out. The trick to this is to apply the oil to your skin immediately after bathing while the skin is still wet. After you have smoothed the oil over your body then towel blot your skin and follow-up with your favorite moisturizer.

Step 3: Sunscreen is a Must for Smooth Spring and Summer Skin

After you get dressed but before you put on your shoes apply a sunscreen. Apply to all exposed areas of skin and wait about 15 - 30 minutes before sun exposure. If you can find a sunscreen with a natural sunblock that will be ideal because a sunscreen alone just filters the UVA/UVB rays but does not block them from penetrating the skin like a sunblock does. The two combined provide the best sun protection for your skin.

Smooth Skin Tip: The sun can be drying to the skin so sun protection is crucial. A moisturizing sun protection product is ideal to provide extra moisture.

These three tips have helped me maintain smooth and soft skin during the spring and summer months. I exfoliate at least once a week and complete steps 2 and 3 daily. Until this day, this skincare regimen has worked and has earned me plenty of compliments. Enjoy the warm weather ladies and stay soft, smooth and beautiful!